Getting to know your-self and your body(A short treatise about self-awareness)

Self Awareness - Part 2

(Excerpt from: Sacred Sexuality–A Manual for Living Bliss by: Michael Mirdad)

Your Energy Systems

  Information on esoteric anatomy is important for a thorough understanding of the human body. This knowledge is vital during the practice of sacred sexuality, where expansion into higher levels of orgasm and ecstasy involves the esoteric anatomy, even more so than the physical.

The Meridians

  Traditional Chinese medicine teaches that there are twelve major organ meridians in the human body. These meridians are like veins of energy that run through the head, torso, and limbs. There are also another eight meridians, referred to as “extraordinary” veins or channels. Each of the twelve (plus eight) meridians is fed by the body’s major chakras, which are like energy power plants. All of the meridians can become electrified and awakened with ecstatic, orgasmic energy. Even so, when experiencing an orgasm, it would be nearly impossible to tell the difference between electrified meridians versus an activated nervous system, as both systems can become charged, resulting in tingling sensations and warm rushes of energy.

The Chakras

  There are seven major chakras, or energy centers, in the body. During an in-jaculation, a current of energy is sent out from the reproductive organs to the base of the spine. It then travels up the spine to the top of the head-activating most, or all, of the chakras along the way. Once this activation process occurs, each chakra channels energy into the acupuncture meridians and central nervous system. This channeling of energy throughout the body’s energy systems and nervous system results in more intense sensations and a full-body experience because orgasmic energy is now transported to every part of the body. The seven chakras are connected to the central nervous system and spine via 72,000 small energy channels called “nadis” in Sanskrit.





  Kundalini energy is a manifestation of the life-force, or serpent power, that lies mostly dormant at the base of the spine. Usually the body accesses only a minimal amount of its kundalini power-just enough to stay alive. Yet, there remains an entire storehouse of this energy awaiting the moment when it can bring each cell of the body fully to life. An individual can learn to awaken the kundalini and raise it from the sexual, root center to all the other centers, or chakras, of the body.
  The kundalini represents the human soul and the goddess within that yearns to move upward along the spine and meet with the god of the crown center. This reunion creates an ecstatic energy response known as samadhi, a bliss that represents and embodies the union dance of Shiva and Shakti-male and female deities of Tantra.

Energetic Orgasms

  There is a point in your evolutionary development where orgasms move beyond physical, physiological experiences and into the next level-orgasms of your energy systems. Energy-system orgasms still involve the anatomy and all other aspects of physical orgasms, but more is added. Now you can take conscious control of physical stimulation and excitation and channel it throughout your body. Now you can control the sexual energy that ordinarily moves down and out of the body and redirect it inward and upward for rejuvenation and more advanced forms of orgasm.

Your Emotions

  Emotions are an important bridge between the physical and spiritual worlds, as well as between physical and soul-level (total-being) orgasms. The unresolved issues within your emotional being need not be healed and perfect, but they certainly must be in the process of heal-ing. If left unchecked, your unhealed emotional wounds will act as a barrier to safety. Everyone would benefit from taking time to do a self-inventory, especially in relation to the life-long effects of their sexual experiences. The effects of such experiences are usually underestimated, but it’s clear to most counsellors and practitioners of sacred sexuality that these events have profound effects on their clients (and their lives)-from the depths of their psyches to the cells of their bodies. Without a feeling of safety, you cannot trust totally. Without trust, you cannot experience sacred sexuality and the total-being orgasms that are an integral part of any sacred sexual experience.

Emotional Orgasms

  As we heal from sexual traumas and inhibitions, our bodies and souls begin to feel liberated and therefore exhibit signs of letting go. This releasing can manifest in various types of orgasms-including emotional orgasms. The best way to define emotional orgasms is to start by dividing them into two types. First, there can be moments of spontaneous emotional release expressed as panic or tears during the lovemaking experience. This type of emotional orgasm can also result in laughter, which is another way to release physical, energetic, and emotional tensions. Such symptoms indicate the surfacing of old, buried emotional traumas-even without conscious visions or memories. The releasing of these intense emotions is a form of orgasm.
  The second type of emotional orgasm can be triggered by the relief and gratitude partners feel when realizing on some level that they are safe and healing. This type of emotional orgasm can also be triggered solely by the deep, romantic connection felt by the partners who are sharing the experience of lovemaking. These are tears of joy that result from the realization of the depths of love the partners feel for each other.

Your Mind

  The mind plays a crucial part in the sacred sexual experience-especially to enhance arousal. There are two basic types of healthy sexual fantasizing. The first involves mental imagery, and the second includes role-play. Both of them rely heavily on imagination. One of the benefits of utilizing either form of fantasy is that it can evoke orgasms via mental stimulation. Fantasies can also create a more adventurous lovemaking experience.
  Fantasizing is not illicit behaviour. Its unfortunate negative reputation comes from its being such a secret part of our world. When we have to hide our sexuality, it becomes a “skeleton in the closet” and takes on a cloud of shame. The same gift of fantasizing can be used by a sexually healthy person to increase arousal, or it can drag a sex addict into uncontrollable behaviors. The former is natural, but the latter is often the result of sexual repression and/or trauma.

Mental Orgasms

  Mental orgasms can best be defined as orgasms that are reached either exclusively with images held in the mind or with the assistance of concentrated visualization. In the first example, the mind enhances physical stimulation, even to the point of an orgasmic release. In fact, many of the arts of sacred sexuality promote the use of the mind to evoke as much excitation as possible. Partners can increase each other’s arousal through imagination by the use of erotically stimulating thoughts and words prior to, or instead of, actions.
  The second possibility uses concentration and the skill of projecting your thoughts to another person for the purpose of sexual arousal. You do not have to be in physical contact with this person to succeed. The person you are thinking about can be on the other side of the room or the other side of the planet, for that matter. Distance is no obstacle! First, your mind can, and must, eliminate any thought or belief that distance is a barrier to oneness. Then, with enough focus, one lover can mentally arouse another-even to the point of orgasm. It helps for your partner to be tuned in to receiving at the same time.

Your Soul

  Being fully aware of the present moment is one of the most effective ways to access the soul. When experiencing sacred sexuality, you can increase desire and pleasure by anticipating each stroke from your lover. It is important to appreciate and respond to any degree of sensation, no matter how slight. Be conscious of each stroke, movement, sound or fragrance-every sensation of the moment-to access your soul and that of your lover. Don’t be goal-oriented! Be in the here and now, and feel every sensation, touch, and subtle movement. The receiving partner should surrender body and soul and remain focused on all orgasmic sensations commencing with (or even before) the first stroke. In other words, the receiving partner should totally yield to his or her partner and surrender to the pleasure being given.

Soul-Level (Total-Being) Orgasms

  Physiologically speaking, an orgasm is a build-up of sexual fluids waiting to be released upon climax. A soul-level orgasm, on the other hand, is a build-up of energy waiting to be released at the moment of surrendering to love’s presence. A total-being orgasm occurs in one of two ways. The first way involves the building up of a physical, energetic, emotional, and spiritual connection until all sensation of the body disappears and the soul rises to the foreground. The second way to experience a total-being orgasm is through the build up of spiritual, energetic ecstasy to the extent that physical touch becomes unnecessary to achieve the orgasm. The latter way includes spiritual ecstatic experiences where a person rides waves of ecstasy that can take him or her into dimensions of the soul.
  Energetic ecstasy and total-being orgasms occur when a spiritual frequency or vibration reaches down and stimulates, or caresses, a person’s body (nervous system) and soul (heart-center), resulting in an ecstatic experience within the body. Although the body can be manually stimulated (without spiritual integrity or intent) to the point of creating an energetic (and seemingly ecstatic) response, this purely physiological experience cannot duplicate the soul-level feeling of complete oneness resulting from a total-being orgasm.

Your Spirit

  The quest to return to the Garden of Eden is ages old. To return to Eden is to discover the Holy Grail or the Ark of the Covenant. Yet we have found that Eden, like Heaven, is not a place but a “state of mind.” When our consciousness is re-attuned to this blissful level of being, an orgasm within the upper chakras and the brain takes place; this is referred to as a “spiritual orgasm.” Although physical orgasms of the body are part of the “left-hand (literal) path ”of sacred sexuality, spiritual orgasms are part of the “right-hand (symbolic) path.” The practice and process of attaining spiritual orgasms, therefore, have little or nothing to do with actual sexual contact.

Revelation…reflects the original form of communication between God and His creation, involving the extremely personal sense of creation sometimes saught in physical relationships. Physical closeness cannot achieve it.
-A Course in Miracles

  Most of exercises related to spiritual orgasms are done in the mind and not with the body. Nonetheless, the effects are felt, seen, and heard in body, mind, and soul.

Spiritual Orgasms

  Practicing advanced forms of meditation, breath-work, and in-jaculations are all valid ways to assist the process of a spiritual orgasm. Such exercises include the cobra breath (learned in Kriya or Tantric yoga), a technique never written down but only passed down through initiations between teacher and student. The cobra breath clears the etheric pathways within the sushumna (spinal) meridian. The vacuum created by this cleansing clears the way for energy and spinal fluid to rise from the sacrum and to the brain. The profound effects of true communion with God are not unknown to highly evolved mystics, Buddhists, and advanced practitioners of meditation.
  By regularly communing with God through meditation, you activate a tone, or vibrational frequency, at the center of your head. This (often imperceptible) tone awakens the kundalini energy (or sushumna) and cerebral spinal fluid at the base of the spine, beckoning it upward along the spine and then to the brain. At this point, cerebral spinal fluid fills the inside of the skull (cranium), creating an energy-grid between the two hemispheres of the brain. This total-brain awakening also activates the sphenoid bone of the cranium, which, in turn, stimulates the hypothalamus and the pineal and pituitary glands. Then these glands send messages of love and healing, as well as orgasmic-light sensations, to other major glands and throughout your body.
  Stimulation of the pituitary and pineal glands also creates an arc of light that illuminates your entire brain and skull (a part of the body Taoists refer to as the “Original Cavity” or “Ancestral Hall”). This light-activation, results in the awakening of your mind’s eye and your crown chakra, blasting energy up into the heavens. This liquid-light then pours over your forehead and down the front of your body, a process well described in the 23rd Psalm of the Bible which reads, “Thou hast anointed my head with oil; my cup runneth over … I will dwell in the house of the Lord forever.”

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