Tantra WorkShopRe-uniting and healing trough Love and Eroticism

WorkShop in Tantric Eroticism

and Tantric lovemaking
    You have probably read, heard, discussed many times about tantra and tantric practices with a lot of terminology and strange words sometimes (often of indian or sanskrit provenance), with classifications, sub-classifications, categorizations, etc. This has nothing to do with tantra really, the most of the times. This is how western civilization is trying to mystificate (and void from their substance) tantric teachings, as well as every teaching that subverts the established order and the bases of western society. They reduce everything to a mind-game, to a brain-teaser, to something serious, philosophical, only for adepts and without a real outcome in our real life. That's not our way!. In our WorkShop we don't want you to become an intellectual with "tantra specialization" ... or a "philosopher of tantra"! First of all because tantra is not at all related with mind constructions or intellectual and philosophical searches. For being exact, tantra is "against" them.
   Our concern is first of all that you are able to feel. And feeling is not at all a property of the mind. Feeling belongs to the heart (or to what the organ heart represents in our existence). For that you will have to start an inner journey towards your heart, towards your centre of existence. If you haven't this motivation (or if you haven't started already this journey), is useless to start whatever workshop of this kind, because the only thing that you will take from it will be a set of practices without any result for your real life. Of course you will have made more pleasurable your sexual life, but you will not have accomplished the reason for which this workshop is meant to be.
   Our workshop is essentially for people who have real curiosity and availability to go a step ahead in their real life, through the great (and subversive)) ability of tantric lovemaking to set us free from many prejudices, taboos and inhibitions , which act as a hindrance in our lives, giving us a boost in our personal path of liberation through rejection of "ego" and our surrendering to love and to the "divine".
   Here we must point out something very important: Tantra generally is not about some techniques and some practices in massage and sex. Tantra does is not meant, as contrarily has divulged to the large masses, to be a teaching about sex or eroticism (something like kama-sutra i.e.). Above all Tantra is a teaching of personal liberation and contact with our inner self and the "divine". Modern Tantra (or neo-tantra) uses, it is true, sex, massages, and many other practices and techniques borrowed from Yoga, Tao, Ayurveda, or Tibetan Buddhism, but primarily has the target of the final effective liberation of the individual (moskha), the "divine communication", the "enlightenment". The so-called tantric massage (as preliminary in lovemaking) as well as tantric erotic sharing is not a target in itself, is a only by means of the consolidation and promotion of our personal path to liberation. And that not for everybody. It is more for those who function better with love than with awareness, as Osho explains (here). Regards mostly those who function more with their heart than with their mind, those who want to live not alone, not those who want through awareness and consciousness to gain their personal liberation.
   With the above as a compass, our workshop will have three types, or if you want three dimensions:
- The spiritualistic dimension of eroticism and its practice
- The conquest of the ability of sharing love and eroticism through techniques
- The initiation in tantric lovemaking.
- The third part (of initiation) is optional and concerns only who has happily passed the two previous stages (or types) of our workshop and dares to dive seriously in tantric lovemaking.

General Info

Skills appreciated:
- Real Motivation
- Sincerity
- Spontaneity
- Semplicity

- Real Motivation
- Personal interview

Addressed to:
- Couples
- Singles
- From all-over the world

Place, Dates & Time:
- According to your and our availability
- Concerns always individual treatment
   and not group seminars or classes

Possible Combination:
- With the Ananda Tantra-Yoga Classes
   in a Greek island during summertime

Interested and Really Motivated?
Contact Us

WorkShop types

Tantra is a set of teachings concerning, basically and above all, individual liberation from social constrictions and from the manipulation of individuals, that prevent him to be truly himself, that prevent him from finding his inner self and consequently the "divine". So initially Tantra has a spiritual background, which determines how Tantric eroticism treats sex and the whole process of sexual intercourse between two people of the opposite (and not only) sex. Don't forget that one of the most common activities during our entire live is this intercourse. Also let's not forget how crucial is this intercourse for our personality and our mental and spiritual health. These, as well as many other explanations of tantric techniques of meditation, orgasmic trance and activation of our vital energy is the subject of the first part of our workshop.

The evolution of sex (that we are used to live) into lovemaking, and even into tantric lovemaking, can be facilitated with various techniques and practices that fundamentally aim the transformation of sex in exchange and sharing of sexual and vital energy between partners. This process leads to orgasms (not ejaculations), which one must first learn to recognize and then to live them and to share them with his/her sexual partner. This process is leading to full-body-orgasms, in ecstasy and in union of partners at a different level from that of our three-dimensional world. This is the second part of our workshop.

The third part of our workshop is the practical implementation of the two other parts that we explained respectively.

In this part you will have to experience practically what does all this really mean. You will have to experience and to live all that, since, according to Tantra (and not only to Tantra), we acquire real knowledge only when we experience something and we have our personal experience about that. And don't forget that this path to knowledge is completely personal and individual, and therefore the practical handling of each participant will be completely personal and individualized.